Sabrina Ferilli
Birthday: 28 June 1964Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Sabrina Ferilli.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Daughter of the former speaker of the Italian Communist Party's
delegation at the Lazio's Regional Council, Sabrina Ferilli never
kept secret her leftism. Firm and stubborn, she did not care about
the first unsuccessful attempts to come on to the stage. Her
stubbornness was rewarded in the 1990, when she got a part in the
Alessandro D'Alatri's film "Americano Rosso". From that moment her
success never ended. She lives with their two pets, a kitten and a
tiny dog. Since she loves her privacy, she does not like to talk
about their love affairs. She is also a big AS Roma's (Football
Team) fan: she launched the official presentation of the team, in
the summer of the 1999, at the Olympic Stadium, and she is a member
of the AS Roma's Fans Council (a consultive board composed by
famous Roma's fans like the actor Alberto Sordi). Typical italian
beauty - she also made an advertising campaign for a famous
Spaghetti brand - a recent poll (in which italian males from 15 to
34 yrs. were asked for to indicate one of the famous italian women
they would love) stated that Sabrina Ferilli is the most loved
Italian woman.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Almost America (2001)
Giraffe, Le (2000)
Ali della vita, Le (Made for TV) (2000)
A ruota libera (2000)
[ Manuela Arcuri ]
Fobici, I (1999)
Tu ridi (1998)
Signor Quindicipalle, Il (1998)
Leo e Beo (Made for TV) (1997)
[ Catherine Wilkening ]
Padre di mia figlia, Il (Made for TV) (1997)
Oranges amères (1997)
Ferie d'agosto (1996)
[ Antonella Ponziani ]
Vite strozzate (1996)
[ Violante Placido ]
Ritorno a casa Gori (1996)
Falle, Die (Made for TV) (1995)
Vandalucia (Made for TV) (1994)
Bella vita, La (1994)
Giudice ragazzino, Il (1994)
Anche i commercialisti hanno un'anima (1994)
Diario di un vizio (1993)
[ Jessica Rizzo ]
Storia italiana, Una (Made for TV) (1992)
Vietato ai minori (1992)
Donne sottotetto (1992)
[ Serena Grandi ] [ Amanda Sandrelli ]
Specchio d'acqua (Made for TV) (1992)
Giorno di festa, Un (1991)
Americano rosso (1991)
Piccoli omicidi senza parole (1990)
Strada di Ball, La (1990)
Nightclub (1989)
[ Mara Venier ] [ Sabina Guzzanti ] [ Claudia Gerini ]
Volpone, Il (1988)
[ Eleonora Giorgi ]
Femme de mes amours, La (1988)
[ Ornella Muti ] [ Claudine Auger ]
Frullo del passero, Il (1988)
[ Ornella Muti ] [ Claudine Auger ]
Casa dell'orco, La (Made for TV) (1988)
Rimini Rimini (1987)
[ Serena Grandi ] [ Sylva Koscina ] [ Laura Antonelli ] [ Eleonora Brigliadori ]
Caramelle da uno sconosciuto (1987)
[ Antonella Ponziani ] [ Mara Venier ] [ Marina Suma ] [ Anna Galiena ]
Portami la luna (Made for TV) (1986)
[ Margaux Hemingway ]
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