Claudia Gerini
Birthday: 18 December 1971Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Claudia Gerini.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Born in Rome on the 18th December 1971. Her parents, young
employees, had liberal ideas. In 1986, she won a competition and
started to participate in screen tests and castings. Then her first
experience on the "set": the publicity for "Baci" Perugina,
Piaggio, and the first cinema roles "Ciao ma'" of Giandomenico Curi
and "Roba da ricchi" of Sergio Corbucci. In 1994 her first
theatrical experience, "Angelo e Beatrice" of Francesco Apolloni.
"Viaggi di nozze" with Carlo Verdone in 1995 has had the best box
office turnover for the last ten years, and drew her the attention
of media, critics and public, thanks to the successful role of
Jessica. Together with Carlo Verdone they decided to make another
film "Sono pazzo di Iris Blond" where she finally managed to sing.
In 1997 she acted in "Fuochi d'artificio" with the "Italian
Phenomena" Leonardo Pieraccioni. After long trips in the USA. she
came back to continue her Italian career and in 1998 she made 4
films: Sotto la luna of Franco Bernini, Commedia (in English
language) together with J. Pryce, Lucignolo of M. Ceccherini and La
Vespa e la Regina.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Claudia Gerini | 
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