Carole Laure
Birthday: 5 August 1951Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Carole Laure.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
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Before she became an actress 'Carole Laure' (qv) was a teacher. She
was born on August 5, 1950 in Montreal (Québec) Canada. The
profession she has chosen did not give her any satisfaction. She
met some young Canadian film makers, that resulted in her first
appearance as an actress, age twenty, in Mon enfance à Montreal,
directed by Jean Chabot. Three years later she met director Gilles
Carle who helped her career. Her exotic beauty (her mother has
Indian blood), her charm and spontaneity her dark eyes with light
melancholy look made her a star in French Canadian cinema. She is
not only acting but also sings. Carole has recorded several LPs in
French and English, collaborating with Lewis Furey. She also sings
in the filmmusical Fantastica directed by her old friend Gilles.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Rats and Rabbits (2000)
Elles ne pensent qu'à ça... (1994)
[ Claudia Cardinale ] [ Diane Pierens ]
Flight from Justice (Made for TV) (1993)
Vie en couleurs, La (Made for TV) (1989)
Nuit avec Hortense, La (1988)
Thank You Satan (1988)
[ Sandrine Caron ] [ Marie Fugain ]
Sauve-toi, Lola (1986)
[ Isabelle Mergault ] [ Dominique Pinon ] [ Isabelle Pasco ] [ Jeanne Moreau ] [ France Zobda ]
Sweet Country (1986)
[ Joanna Pettet ] [ Jane Alexander ]
Drôle de samedi (1985)
[ Catherine Alric ]
Night Magic (1985)
À mort l'arbitre (1984)
Heartbreakers (1984)
[ Kathryn Harrold ] [ Sigourney Weaver ] [ Anne Bancroft ] [ Carrie Fisher ] [ Jennifer Love Hewitt ] [ Jamie Rose ]
Stress (1984)
[ Isabelle Mergault ]
Surrogate, The (1984)
[ Shannon Tweed ]
Maria Chapdelaine (1983)
Asphalte (1981)
Croque la vie (1981)
[ Brigitte Fossey ]
Un assassin qui passe (1981)
[ Anne Roussel ]
Victory (1981)
Fantastica (1980)
[ Claudine Auger ]
Inside Out (Made for TV) (1979)
Au revoir à lundi (1979)
Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978)
Jument vapeur, La (1978)
Menace, La (1977)
[ Marie Dubois ] [ Elsa Martinelli ]
Ange et la femme, L' (1977)
Born for Hell (1976)
[ Christine Boisson ] [ Leonora Fani ]
Eau chaude, l'eau frette, L' (1976)
Magnum Special per Tony Saitta, Una (1976)
[ Tisa Farrow ] [ Gayle Hunnicutt ]
Tête de Normande St-Onge, La (1975)
Thousand Moons, A (1975)
Sweet Movie (1974)
[ Sabine Haudepin ]
Corps célèstes, Les (1973)
Mort d'un bûcheron, La (1973)
Mon enfance à Montréal (1971)
IXE-13 (1971)
Fleur bleue (1971)
[ Susan Sarandon ]
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