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Greg Wise
Birthday: 15 May 1966Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Greg Wise. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Discovery of Heaven, The(2001)
Madame Bovary (Made for TV)(2000)
[ Willie Ross ]
[ Patrick Bergin ]
Mad Cows(1999)
Judas Kiss(1998)
[ Til Schweiger ] [ Gil Bellows ] [ Hal Holbrook ]
Alice Through the Looking Glass (Made for TV)(1998)
[ Ian Richardson ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Jack Palance ] [ Gary Olsen ]
[ Alexei Sayle ]
Place of the Dead, The (Made for TV)(1996)
Moonstone, The (Made for TV)(1996)
Feast of July(1995)
[ Tom Bell ] [ James Purefoy ]
Sense and Sensibility(1995)
[ Hugh Grant ]
Typhon's People (Made for TV)(1993)
Masculine Ending, A (Made for TV)(1992)
[ Bill Nighy ]
100 Hot DVDs
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If you are looking for pictures of hot male actors or celebrities, check out
MaleStars.com. They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles,
and Movie Reviews of famous stars. | |
Celebs Who
have been seen in movies with Greg Wise