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Donal McCann
Birthday: 7 May 1943Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Donal McCann. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Nephew, The(1998)
[ Pierce Brosnan ]
[ Ben Gazzara ] [ John Turturro ]
Serpent's Kiss, The(1997)
[ Ewan McGregor ] [ Charley Boorman ]
Stealing Beauty(1996)
[ Joseph Fiennes ] [ Jeremy Irons ]
Bishop's Story, The(1995)
Halcyon Days(1995)
[ Stephen Dorff ] [ Adrian Dunbar ]
Hedda Gabler(1993)
Donner Party, The(1992)
[ Timothy Hutton ] [ Eli Wallach ]
Miracle, The(1991)
[ Roger Moore ]
December Bride(1990)
[ Patrick Malahide ]
Investigation: Inside a Terrorist Bombing, The (Made for TV)(1990)
[ Patrick Malahide ]
High Spirits(1988)
[ Peter Gallagher ] [ Liam Neeson ] [ Peter O'Toole ] [ Steve Guttenberg ]
John Huston and the Dubliners(1987)
Dead, The(1987)
Rawhead Rex(1986)
[ David Dukes ]
Out of Africa(1985)
[ Robert Redford ]
Mr. Love(1985)
Summer Lightning(1984)
[ Tom Bell ]
[ John Lynch ]
Reflections (Made for TV)(1984)
[ Gabriel Byrne ]
[ Ian McElhinney ] [ Cliff Gorman ] [ Dick Shawn ]
Hard Way, The (Made for TV)(1979)
Screamer (Made for TV)(1975)
Wood Demon, The (Made for TV)(1974)
[ Ian Holm ]
Mackintosh Man, The(1973)
[ Paul Newman ]
Miss Julie(1972)
Sinful Davey(1969)
Fighting Prince of Donegal, The(1966)
100 Hot DVDs
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They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles,
and Movie Reviews of famous stars. | |
Celebs Who
have been seen in movies with Donal McCann