Carina Barone
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Carina Barone.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Tatort - Die Möwe (Made for TV) (2000)
[ Karin Baal ] [ Susanna Simon ]
Tatort - Allein in der Falle (Made for TV) (1998)
Tatort - Der Entscheider (Made for TV) (1996)
Siméon (1992)
Roi mystère, Le (1991)
[ Dominique Pinon ]
Maid, The (1991)
Sweet Revenge (Made for TV) (1990)
[ Shauna O'Brien ] [ Kira Reed ] [ Helen Hunt ] [ Kelly McGillis ] [ Carrie Fisher ] [ Rosanna Arquette ]
Soigne ta droite (1987)
[ Eva Darlan ] [ Laurence Masliah ] [ Pauline Lafont ] [ Catherine Ringer ] [ Jane Birkin ] [ Dominique Lavanant ]
Morte vivante, La (1982)
Bidasses aux grandes manoeuvres, Les (1981)
Filles de madame Claude, Les (1980)
Courage fuyons (1979)
[ Dominique Lavanant ]
Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (1976)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Carina Barone | 
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